Why is Doug Ford so mean to children?
Friday, March 22nd, 2019
According to Thompson, larger class sizes will build “confidence and resiliency” in children who must learn to cope in “the world of work.” This despite solid research showing that kids build resiliency through positive and stable relationships. As a result, Twitter erupted with mocking posts using the hashtag #moreresilient. She’s only repeating the lessons being taught in caucus.
Tags: budget, ideology, rights, standard of living, tax, youth
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Tory legacy leaves little to attract women voters
Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
Apr 01 2011
“The whole message that we can’t fund social programs, that there isn’t enough money, is really a direct attack on women and families,”… So what’s going on? Andrea Perrella, director of the Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy, suggests goal may in fact be to push more men to the right, a direction in which they started heading in the 1990s as traditional gender roles began to change… If men have turned angry in larger numbers, they tend to vote for that party that best articulates anger.
Tags: featured, ideology, rights, standard of living, women
Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »
Feminomics: calculating the value of ‘women’s work’
Saturday, October 30th, 2010
Oct 30 2010
According to the old maxim, a woman’s work is never done. It certainly never counts, a least not by the economic formulae that figure out the wealth of a nation… This past summer, the Conservatives, in rewriting the long-form census, eliminated only the section on unpaid work. That means that, in the future, StatsCan won’t be able to tell us with any certainty that men perform an average of 2.5 hours of unpaid work per day while women do 4.3 hours, like they did in 2005.
Tags: ideology, rights, standard of living, women
Posted in Equality Debates | No Comments »
Feminists split over judicial decision overturning some legal restraints on prostitution
Sunday, October 10th, 2010
Oct 09 2010
They’re split over whether the ruling will make sex workers safer — or merely pump up profits for pimps and help organized crime to traffic women. At the heart of this dispute is a wide ideological gap between feminists who believe that no woman is a commodity to be bought and sold and those who insist that, as with abortion, a woman has the right to control her body — while not risking life and limb.
Tags: crime prevention, Health, ideology, rights, women
Posted in Child & Family Debates | No Comments »
Who are you? The census helps demographers know
Sunday, August 1st, 2010
Jul 30 2010
Some Canadians might balk at being thought of purely as consumers rather than citizens… That’s how one of Canada’s most sophisticated geodemographic statistical systems, Environics Analytics PrizmC2, sorts all of us. We all fit into one of 66 neighbourhood-lifestyle clusters, based on more than 1,800 variables, all beginning with data gathered via the Census of Canada… Those segments were further broken down into 18 social groups based on the SESI [socioeconomic status], ethnicity, official language and urbanity… plus 12 “lifestages” determined by social group, age and the presence of children.
Tags: multiculturalism, standard of living
Posted in Governance Policy Context | No Comments »
Coverage of the G20 proved Twitter’s news edge
Monday, July 12th, 2010
Jul 11 2010
… there was a clear dichotomy between television coverage of events and the information available to those following the Twitter “hashtags,” essentially search terms that channel data streams… mainstream media was only writing about anarchists, about what ‘thugs and goons’ they are, how they really deserved to get the crap beaten out of them while focusing on the destruction of private property and, of course, praising the police… Journalists giving on-the-ground reports were far more accurate than those in newsrooms… there was also a phalanx of camera-wielding onlookers.
Tags: crime prevention, globalization, participation, rights
Posted in Inclusion Debates | No Comments »