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Ottawa hit interim target for poverty reduction ahead of schedule, statistics reveal

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

The Trudeau government has already met its interim target of cutting poverty by 20 per cent by 2020, and is working to reach its goal of slashing poverty in half by 2030… Some 850,000 Canadians have been pulled out of poverty since the Liberals were elected in 2015… Having met its 2020 goal, the government now must “aspire” to lift more than 2 million Canadians out of poverty by 2030, according to the legislation.

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From ear wax treatment to sinus scans: The 11 medical procedures to be delisted or restricted under OHIP

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

House calls to non-housebound patients, outdated fertility testing and unnecessary earwax removal are among 11 health services being delisted or restricted from OHIP coverage, a committee tasked with modernizing Ontario’s taxpayer-funded insurance plan has announced. Coverage for the services will be affected as part of a major update to the OHIP Schedule of Benefits aimed at freeing up money for higher-value physician services, increasing access to those services and cutting wait-lists

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New sex-ed curriculum builds on previous Liberal version

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

The new curriculum modernizes and builds on the one introduced by the Liberals in 2015 and even retains much of the material that originally caused all the controversy. That should allay concerns among educators that social conservatives were going to force changes that could put students — especially LGBT youth — at risk.

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Universities, colleges should be tuition free in Ontario

Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

If Ontario aspires to close its wealth gap… its universities and colleges should scrap their tuitions… Many leading world economies charge none, like Germany, France, and Sweden… University should be free, above all because it is an important component of the social safety net, like health care… a no-tuition policy would be more flexible than government bursaries and loans…

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Ford’s fake news machine should be closed

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Instead of recognizing that distributing fake news reports on social media in an attempt to fool the public is an affront to democracy, the Progressive Conservative government is apparently reconsidering ONN’s usefulness because it is, ahem, a failure… if ONN is shut down it shouldn’t be because the PC party’s communications specialists now deem it a liability. It should be because it’s an affront to the citizens the government was elected to represent and a misuse of their tax dollars.

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The case for a national dental program

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Scientific evidence suggests that having an unhealthy mouth could be contributing to chronic diseases of the heart, lung, and stomach as well as being a risk factor for diabetes. The effects of chronic poor oral health can be physically debilitating and socially incapacitating. It can affect a person’s ability to eat healthy foods, to sleep, to work and to maintain social connections.

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Canada should have a federal minimum wage

Tuesday, August 13th, 2019

Last year the federal government passed legislation that… will improve job security for federally regulated workers through scheduling rights, equal pay for temporary employment agency workers and protections against contract flipping that lower wages. Now it’s time for the next step: a decent minimum wage.

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Finally, the Liberals are taking a step toward pharmacare

Monday, August 12th, 2019

The fact is, patients in countries with universal pharmacare have not seen a reduction in accessibility to new drugs. And it beggars belief that pharmaceutical companies would not conduct research to create new drugs that could earn them billions just because wee Canada introduces a pharmacare program.

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OMA should stop fear-mongering on nurse practitioners

Thursday, August 8th, 2019

They provide top-quality health care for tens of thousands of people without a family doctor; they free up doctors to focus on serious illnesses; and they stretch the province’s healthcare dollars… if we are to improve the quality and sustainability of our healthcare system. It’s time the OMA started to actively support nurse practitioners – and ended its self-serving “turf wars.”

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Posted in Health Delivery System | No Comments »

Premier Ford cries poor but subsidizes $700 million for fossil fuel consumption

Monday, August 5th, 2019

In the last year alone, Ontario provided nearly $700 million in subsidies for fossil fuel consumption… No one wants to see public dollars wasted, least of all the Government of Ontario. If it takes the opportunity to buckle down on fossil fuel subsidies and reinvest those millions wisely, not only will it set the province on a path to a more sustainable future, it will also prove itself to be Canada’s vanguard for smart, fiscal efficiency.

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