Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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I stopped talking to white people about race. Here’s what I learned

Sunday, September 3rd, 2017

Pointing out the differences between us is not the problem. The problem is the power that lies behind those differences, and how the status quo has relied on marginalization. To be responsible citizens we must reckon with this. It’s not just about the newspapers you read or the campaigns you donate to. It’s about your actions. Bringing down these walls means a fundamental restructuring of the society we live in. It means disrupting comfort, including your own.

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Posted in Equality Debates | 1 Comment »

Five characteristics that impact an individual’s upward mobility.

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

Prof. Chetty and his team were able to determine that the critical driver of these differences is childhood environment. The team came up with five characteristics of mobility differences between areas… Segregation vs. Integration… Income Inequality… Single-Parent Homes… Social Capital… [and] Quality Public Schools

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Income vs. Wealth Inequality

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

… over the last 30 years, the bottom 90 per cent of families saved zero, on average, while top wealth holders have been able to save more and more. The result: A huge increase in wealth inequality that, unfortunately, is likely to persist — short of adopting more drastic policies aimed at curbing the wealth at the top and encouraging wealth accumulation at the bottom.

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Justin Trudeau defiant on proposed small-business tax changes

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

… potential changes under scrutiny include ending a practice that allows business owners to lower their tax rate by sprinkling income to family members in lower brackets, even if those relatives are not active in the business.
Another proposal calls for limits on the use of private corporations as a way to gain tax advantages when making passive investments in things like stocks or real estate. The third change would limit the conversion of a corporation’s regular income into capital gains that are typically taxed at a lower rate.

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Posted in Equality Delivery System | No Comments »

Looking to move beyond the Indian Act, can Canada shed its ‘colonial structures?’

Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

“It looks like they’re using the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples as a blueprint to move forward, with the cabinet committee on decolonizing Canada’s laws and now this bifurcation of the ministry… But nothing else fundamentally has changed at this point.” … “Getting out of the Indian Act is desirable, but if what replaces it is basically the same thing in a de facto sense, with these little communities with little access to land and resources, then what’s the point?”

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Posted in Equality Policy Context | No Comments »

Reflecting on the legacy of Sir John A. Macdonald

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

Changing school names is not going to help Indigenous Canadians in any meaningful way. If the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) wanted to do something meaningful, it should tell all MPs: “We want clean water on all reserves to be a national priority of the federal government… This is feel-good faux activism designed to make the members of the ETFO look like progressives without actually using their considerable political muscle to effect real and meaningful change.

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Saddened by Sir John stance

Sunday, August 27th, 2017

In his day, Macdonald was a moderate and liberal-minded man who had excellent relations with the Indians of Eastern Canada… Macdonald sponsored a bill to give the vote to Eastern Canadian aboriginal men despite widespread opposition from the public and the Liberals. The bill passed but was rescinded… Macdonald also introduced a bill – never passed – to give women the vote, an idea that was decades before its time.

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White privilege, Jewish privilege, and neo-Nazis

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

Privilege is part of any society that stratifies itself along various lines — hierarchical, patriarchal, economical, geographical, political, religious. But when “white privilege” is appropriated as a proxy for societal unfairness, it too easily breeds resentment… The reality everywhere is that race and skin colour are clumsy proxies for social distinctions that matter at least as much…

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Ontario is right to lean against growing income inequality

Monday, August 21st, 2017

The key factor in growing inequality has been the dramatic increase in so-called precarious work – often low-paid, contract, and part-time work. As the CCPA’s senior economist, Sheila Block, documents in her report, it has resulted in essentially two separate labour markets in Ontario… For those in the lower rungs of the workforce, it means they are earning less on average than they did back in 2000.

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Mental disabilities shouldn’t be accommodated with extra time on exams

Friday, August 18th, 2017

Provincial human rights commissions insist that these extra-time accommodations are necessary. These commissions are not neutral investigative bodies but advocacy agencies with expansive agendas and wide powers to interpret and apply human rights code provisions. On this subject, their directions are inconsistent with prevailing principles of human rights law.

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Posted in Equality Debates | 3 Comments »

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