Archive for the ‘Governance Debates’ Category
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The problem with Trudeau’s high road
Apparently a lot of people who’ve incorporated are sensitive about having this gap between personal and small-business tax rates called a “loophole,” but what the heck: It’s a loophole, in the sense that it was never designed as a goal of public policy… If the government’s goal is fairness, then why can’t Morneau discuss the tax treatment of companies as big as his own?
Tags: economy, ideology, standard of living, tax
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Doctors say tax us: Canada is worth it
Some of our medical colleagues feel angry and betrayed. They assert that… lower taxes for doctors are payback for the lack of pensions, parental benefits, child care, and other benefits… such concerns cannot justify an inherently unfair situation in our tax code, and especially one that worsens income inequality with adverse consequences for Canadians’ health… And we urge all physicians to support universal child care, pensions, and maternity benefits.
Tags: economy, featured, ideology, mental Health, standard of living, tax
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Time for a fairer tax system
According to the CCPA, the total cost of all tax expenditures is estimated to cost the public treasury $202.5 billion in 2018. The chief beneficiaries are the rich. When half of Canadian workers are living paycheque to paycheque, the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that the Canadian tax system is fair to everyone. A fairer tax system will allow for lower income taxes for those who truly need a break.
Tags: economy, ideology, participation, tax
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Why Bill Morneau’s tax reform plan is politically necessary
For Trudeau, tax reform is the necessary adjunct to free trade. As he said once to the Star editorial board, liberalized trade may create wealth but it does so unevenly. The trick is to share the gains from globalization more equitably. The mechanism for doing this is tax reform. Which is why the Liberals promised, in their 2015 election platform, to take aim at tax breaks that favour the rich.
Tags: budget, economy, ideology, tax
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Liberals smart to push ahead with closing the tax loopholes
… the T4 nation knows the Canadian taxation field is about as level as the Canadian Rockies and they’re fed up with zero per cent income growth eroded by rising taxation loads. They don’t believe a doctor should be able to hide income by paying their kids to walk the dog. They see no fairness in letting a lawyer shield savings in a lower business tax environment to buy that monster cottage when they retire. That’s why the Liberals are smart to plug their ears and push ahead with closing the tax loopholes.
Tags: featured, ideology, standard of living, tax
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New Health Minister Petitpas Taylor defends tax changes under fire from doctors
… she was the parliamentary secretary to Finance Minister Bill Morneau before she was given a ministry of her own, and has spent much time working on the tax file… now, her most pressing job may be to calm the doctors. When the proposed tax changes are fully explained, they are understood, she said. But “if there are unique situations that [doctors and others] are faced with, we want to make sure that we hear from them and that we get this right.”
Tags: Health, ideology, mental Health, privatization, standard of living, tax
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Canadian tech leaders warn new tax rules may hinder startups, innovation agenda
A common concern is the risk that Canada will become less competitive with the United States in terms of overall taxation, influencing corporate decisions over which side of the border to locate or expand… “We have to push back and say, ‘No, we’re going to stay in Canada.’ But you know what? If I don’t have any opportunity of actually cashing out in Canada, I will move down to the States and I’ll take all the jobs with me,”
Tags: economy, featured, globalization, ideology, tax
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Fair Tax System Down the Drain if Loopholes Aren’t Closed
The tax benefits are significant, and the higher your income the more you benefit. First, there’s income sprinkling. The finance department presentation on the loopholes uses the example of two neighbours, both high-income earners collecting $220,000 a year. One, an employee, would pay $79,000 in income taxes. But the other, who had set up a personal corporation, could split the income with adult family members… The result would be a $44,000 tax bill
Tags: budget, economy, featured, ideology, privatization, standard of living, tax
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NDP needs a radical makeover
Democratic socialism is the authentic alternative to exclusionist populism. It embraces the proposition that wealth is created by those who work for a living and not by those who control capital. At a time when the division of wealth and power grows ever more unequal, the NDP needs to shift to a more radical position.
Tags: economy, featured, ideology, participation, standard of living, tax
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The real problem with the Liberals’ tax-reform plans — they aren’t big enough
By taking on just one reform, the government allows its opponents to train all their fire on a single point. At the same time, it leaves itself vulnerable to the charge that it is playing favourites: why this tax break, and not others? … By goring everyone’s ox, the government would avoid the charge of favouritism. And with the revenue gained by closing so many tax breaks at one go, it could cut taxes across the board, creating “winners” with a stake in reform’s success
Tags: tax
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