Archive for the ‘Education’ Category
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Friday, April 23rd, 2021
After Romano’s hatchet job, what’s left standing is a business plan barely disguised as an educational mandate…. The grim reality is that Laurentian isn’t an isolated case. When you squeeze public funding from universities, administrators turn to revenue sources that are unstable, and threaten equitable access, academic freedom and quality. Increasingly, universities have had to rely on tuition, the labour of underpaid contract instructors, international students and private donors to replace government funding.
Tags: budget, featured, ideology, Indigenous, standard of living, youth
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Wednesday, April 14th, 2021
The devastating cuts at Laurentian are the direct result of negligence on the part of Minister Romano, who was well aware of the financial challenges Laurentian was facing at least six months before they became public. Faculty no longer believe that Romano is listening to their concerns, or those of staff or students. As a result of the Minister’s inaction, Ontario’s university faculty and academic librarians have lost confidence and trust in Romano’s commitment to the university sector.
Tags: budget, featured, ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, youth
Posted in Education Delivery System | No Comments »
Wednesday, April 14th, 2021
Ontario has needed remote learning in the pandemic but it’s a long way to go from saying online education is better than no education to deciding that it’s so good it should be permanently expanded. Most especially if doing so risks destabilizing or further underfunding the school-based system that the vast majority of students will continue to need… the province needs to review what worked well with online learning and figure out how to address the shortcomings…
Tags: budget, ideology, participation, youth
Posted in Education Delivery System | No Comments »
Tuesday, April 13th, 2021
The financial crisis facing Laurentian was created by the provincial government, which has chronically underfunded Ontario’s universities, cut and froze tuition fees without providing equivalent public funding, and abandoned an important Northern university in its greatest moment of need… Romano has demonstrated the same resistance to consultation, transparency, and accountability as the Laurentian administration.
Tags: budget, ideology
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Sunday, April 11th, 2021
It is not due to faculty salaries, as the number of full-time faculty has actually declined over the last decade. Nor is it due to enrolment which has remained stable over the last decade… In addition to the government funding drought… campus modernization has left Laurentian with big mortgages on still half-empty buildings… [Laurentian] provides jobs for around 1,000 people, educates over 9,000 students and undertakes world-class research.
Tags: budget, featured, jurisdiction, multiculturalism, participation, youth
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Thursday, March 25th, 2021
The budget doesn’t increase operating grants for universities, which continues the chronic underfunding of Ontario’s public university system. Under the Ford government, per-student funding for universities will drop even further, as institutions will be expected to increase enrolment over the next three years without any additional money… further destabilizing a sector already reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic and jeopardizing our economic recovery.
Tags: budget, featured, ideology, jurisdiction, participation, youth
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 24th, 2021
“This process was designed for private corporations, and the precedent set by allowing a public institution, funded by the Province, to declare insolvency and enter the CCAA could not be more troubling: if a public university can be dismantled by a secretive, closed-door process intended for private businesses, then why not any other public institution? “A Crown corporation, perhaps? Or a hospital?
Tags: budget, ideology, Indigenous, jurisdiction, youth
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021
… in Ontario’s public and Catholic school boards, each school was able to add just 1.5 new staff members on average. In terms of teachers alone, that works out to less than one per school…. most of the funding announced by the province for COVID-19 help in schools actually came from school boards themselves or the federal government.
Tags: budget, featured, ideology, jurisdiction, standard of living, youth
Posted in Education Delivery System | No Comments »
Monday, March 22nd, 2021
“The crisis at Laurentian University would have been avoided if this government did its job and properly funded Ontario’s universities,” said OCUFA president RahulSapra. “Not only did the policies of this government push Laurentian over the edge, but Minister Romano knew about Laurentian’s precarious financial position at least six months beforehand, which gave him more than enough time to provide the university with the financial support it needed…”
Tags: budget, economy, jurisdiction, youth
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
Saturday, March 20th, 2021
The Council of Ontario Universities (COU) estimates its 21 members have spent or lost $1 billion during the pandemic, but found $500 million in one-time savings. It has said there is “an urgent need for sector-wide cost recovery.” … “while this targeted and time-limited investment will help address some urgent and immediate costs, it does not address the significant long-term financial needs of the sector.”
Tags: budget, ideology
Posted in Education Debates | No Comments »
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