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Federal healthcare funding should have strings attached

Saturday, December 17th, 2022

Simply dumping health care dollars in provincial capitals is not a solution. Tossing money at Doug Ford, who has chosen license rebates and gas tax cuts (extended for another year) over more health spending is a particularly bad idea. It would offer a bandage when triage is required. Without a strategy and targets, there would be no assurance the extra federal funds would be going to healthcare…

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Doug Ford appointed unqualified party loyalists to fill key tribunal spots. Now Ontarians are paying the price as wait lists swell

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

Tribunals are supposed to be the one place where justice, and access to justice, is equal for all — an alternative to high-priced lawyers and endless court dates. Yet Ontario’s front-line administrative tribunals have become dysfunctional on Ford’s watch… Ordinary Ontarians are paying the price for the premier’s pork barrelling, with a queue exceeding 67,000 cases in key areas:

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Opposition parties willing to help Liberals delay MAID expansion

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

In considering a pause, MacGregor told the Star, the NDP would want to ensure that the Liberals take time to put in place “better treatment, supports, and poverty reduction efforts.” A response to concerns that some Canadians are seeking MAID because they can’t access proper medical treatments to alleviate their suffering, or access social programs or live adequately on their disability benefits.

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Prescription for a broken health care system can’t be more politics

Sunday, November 13th, 2022

Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos arrived promising an increase in health care transfers to the provinces in return for agreement on national health care indicators and creation of a health care data system. Duclos left Vancouver blaming premiers for undercutting the work of their health ministers by issuing a statement that the Vancouver meeting was a failure, even as the meeting was ongoing.

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For millions of Ontario workers living on a knife’s edge, paid sick days would be a huge boon. It would also benefit everyone else

Sunday, November 13th, 2022

Employer-paid sick days are desperately needed to improve the mental health and well-being of workers, especially low-income, racialized and non-unionized workers who are least likely to have paid sick days or workplace benefits of any kind… Legislating employers to provide an adequate number of paid sick days is necessary to protect workers from unjust termination and unsustainable financial strain.

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Don’t delay federal disability benefit

Saturday, November 12th, 2022

Ten per cent of able-bodied working age adults live below the poverty line, compared with 14 per cent of those with mild disabilities and 28 per cent of those whose disabilities are severe… The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance highlights other problems with the bill… It doesn’t detail “the size of the benefit, when it will start, how much if any will it be increased due to inflation, and who is eligible for it.”

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It’s good the government has promised a Canada Disability Benefit. Here’s how to fix the flawed bill

Saturday, November 12th, 2022

The CDB shouldn’t be restricted to “working age” people. The bill should set a mandatory minimum CDB amount, indexed to inflation, and a mandatory start date for paying it… The bill must set specifics on things like eligibility, requirements that cabinet’s regulations can clarify but can’t contradict… It should require that none of the benefit will be clawed back by federal, provincial or territorial programs.

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‘A dangerous time for public medicare’: False promise of privatization won’t solve health-care crisis

Sunday, November 6th, 2022

Pro-privatization doctors and associated businesses are pushing hard to take advantage of Canadians’ fears and frustration that their loved ones will suffer with unmet health needs. But the promises of reduced wait times through privatization ring false for most Canadians… We need to apply pressure to both levels of government to attend to this crisis now. Provinces need to take bold steps, including…

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Posted in Health Delivery System, Health Policy Context | No Comments »

Most older Canadians want to age at home. Why are we making it so hard for them?

Sunday, November 6th, 2022

We know that home and community-based care is less expensive and more adaptable. There is living proof to that in countries such as Denmark. And since nearly all of us older Canadians say it’s our preferred option, why can’t our governments invest in delivering this kind of care? … Let’s make that possible by using our resources properly and humanely.

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Posted in Child & Family Delivery System | No Comments »

Four ways the fall economic statement could help prepare all of us for the coming recession

Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

People are anxious. The world is talking about recession… What can the government do about any of it? Help those struggling to choose between heating or eating, or even between food or shelter, by asking a bit more from those who saw a windfall in corporate profits and shareholder dividends.  Here are four ways to do just that…

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