Archive for the ‘Debates’ Category
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The dirty little secret anti-carbon tax folks would prefer you did not know
You can try to cut emissions by other ways: regulations on business are a particular favourite. But those come with costs just as surely as a carbon tax does — every dollar of which would be passed on to the same “hard-working families” the critics pretend to care about. In fact, for virtually any alternative you can name (subsidies are even worse) the costs are higher — often much higher — per tonne of emissions reduced than for an equivalent carbon tax.
Tags: economy, featured, globalization, ideology, jurisdiction, tax
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Ford’s move to flatline minimum wage is bad for workers, and Ontario
The Ford government is ignoring numerous studies that demonstrate that providing workers with a decent wage puts more money into the economy, which in the long term benefits everyone. It also leads to higher morale among employees, lower turnover and higher productivity for employers. Nor does increasing the minimum wage necessarily lead to job losses, as some business organizations suggest.
Tags: economy, featured, ideology, jurisdiction, participation, standard of living
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Not a moment to lose to protect $15
1.7 million of us are poised to get a $15 minimum wage on January 1. Millions more will benefit from the fairer scheduling rules that are also coming on January 1. For the first time in our lives, all of us have paid sick days and job-protected emergency leave. The new equal pay for equal work rules that prevent wage discrimination based on part-time or temporary employment contracts have made life-changing differences for so many of us — including workers of colour, newcomers and women. We have come this far by fighting for every inch of progress.
Tags: economy, featured, ideology, participation, standard of living
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Corporate Canada is Demanding More Tax Giveaways. They Already Get $18 Billion From Special Loopholes.
The billions in tax revenue that could be generated simply by closing tax loopholes could instead be invested in new public programs and initiatives like National Pharmacare, green infrastructure or universal childcare… In other words, Corporate Canada is asking Canadians to choose between public programs that benefit everyone or more tax giveaways for big business and the wealthiest 1%.
Tags: budget, economy, featured, ideology, standard of living, tax
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Is Canada’s ‘dairy cartel” really milking the system?
Somehow, the orderly, fair-all-round provision of basic food has split the Conservative Party and become a major sticking point in Canada’s most important trade negotiations of the century. But that’s what happens when ideology attacks evidence — either from without, in the case of Donald Trump, or from within, in the form of Canadian free traders who simply cannot abide the existence of a successful counter-example to their orthodoxy.
Tags: economy, ideology
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Ontarians rally in support of $15 minimum wage: ‘We cannot survive’
A study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives found that a minimum-wage increase to $15 an hour would mean an extra $1,465 in the pockets of the working poor, as compared to Ford’s plan to freeze the rate at $14 and eliminate provincial income taxes on those making less than $30,000. The report found that two-thirds of the 4.9 million Ontarians making less than $30,000 already pay no income tax.
Tags: economy, ideology, participation, poverty, standard of living, tax
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Celebrate Labour Day by telling Doug Ford: “Hands off our rights!”
In its first months, the Ford government has used legislation to force workers off the picket lines, undermining their democratic right to collective bargaining. It has cut funding to schools and to after-school programs. In Doug Ford’s Ontario, our government exchanges the rights of Ontarians and quality public services for a lower minimum beer price… The premier has shamefully said that he will cancel the raise in the minimum wage… Without that increase, even a minimum wage worker who has full-time work will still fall below the poverty line.
Tags: economy, ideology, participation, standard of living
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Under Doug Ford, Ontario is turning the clock back for labour
… Ontario is enjoying the lowest unemployment rate in almost two decades at 5.4 per cent. And in Ontario’s hospitality industry, one of the sectors most affected by the minimum wage increase, predicted job losses turned into employment gains with more than 7,000 new positions created since January… Ontario also would be wise to ignore knee-jerk fear-mongering from the small-business lobby to throw out the Liberals’ well-researched new workplace legislation.
Tags: economy, globalization, ideology, participation, standard of living
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Trump, Canada and life after NAFTA
… we need to increase our high-value added exports to global markets through support for innovation, as appears to be on the federal government’s agenda. We should also think about restrictions on the export of unprocessed resources to raise the job content of our exports. And we need to look at our capacity to increase Canada’s share of our own large domestic market by displacing manufactured imports in those sectors where we retain productive capacity.
Tags: economy, globalization, standard of living
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Business group calls for ‘full repeal’ of Ontario’s new workplace protections
The umbrella body representing 60,000 Ontario small business owners is calling on the provincial government to fully repeal the most sweeping changes to workplace protections in decades — including a higher minimum wage, equal pay protections for temporary workers, and paid emergency leave days… The legislation introduced under Liberal premier Kathleen Wynne last year was aimed at strengthening protections for vulnerable workers…
Tags: budget, economy, ideology, poverty, standard of living
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