
The Doctor Dilemma: Improving Primary Care Access in Canada

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Addressing the primary care access gap involves five strategies… : 1) expanding the number of training positions and filling the unfilled residency spots with international medical graduates; 2) reducing the administrative burden for family physicians; 3) providing alternate payment models; 4) expanding the scope of practice of other primary care providers; and 5) expanding team-based models of care.

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Shortcomings in Seniors’ Care: How Canada Compares to its Peers and the Paths to Improvement

Thursday, September 28th, 2023

Overall, Canada ranks 8th out of 11 countries included in the survey… While Canada generally performs well in the care process category, it performs poorly in terms of access to care and equity, with no provinces reaching the international average in either category. Addressing access challenges for seniors through improved continuity of care, affordability and reducing wait times would improve Canada’s rank.

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Where are the Early Childhood Educators?

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Instead of creating more spaces that may end up unfilled, provincial governments need to prioritize funding on ECE attraction and retention. They need to raise wages, encourage career pathways for ECEs, and fast-track foreign credential recognition. They also need to improve working conditions and offer comprehensive work benefits.

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