
Provinces pose challenge to Indigenous child-welfare reform: Bellegarde

Wednesday, July 8th, 2020

… Bill C-92… recognizes the inherent right Indigenous communities have to oversee child-welfare services… one of the biggest challenges is getting the premiers and the territorial governments to accept that there is a jurisdiction that needs to be respected… Ottawa provides the funding for child protection services on reserves but those services are governed by provincial laws and in most cases, provided by provincial agencies.

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Compulsory voting here should be on the table for discussion—before it’s too late

Sunday, August 26th, 2012

13 August 2012
Perhaps it is truly time to take mandatory voting out for a spin… Australia is perhaps the best known of the countries with mandatory voting laws, but there are about 30 countries in the world where voting is a legal requirement. Penalties for not voting mainly include fines. In Belgium you will face difficulty getting a public-sector job if you didn’t vote. There is no question mandatory voting drives up turnout.

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