Archive for the ‘Social Security Delivery System’ Category

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Welfare in Canada update (2020)

Saturday, November 21st, 2020

The report looks at how welfare incomes varied across every province and territory for four example households in 2019: Single person considered employable; Single person with a disability; Single parent with one child age two; and Couple with two children ages 10 and 15… Even where welfare incomes were highest, they fell short of the poverty threshold… 37 of the 40 scenario households receiving social assistance in the provinces were living in deep poverty

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Tinkering with EI leaves the core problems unresolved

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Like the Guaranteed Income Supplement for Canadian residents over the age of 65, which tops up anyone with a monthly income of less than $1,500, we have the capacity to protect those between ages 18 and 64 from living in or falling into poverty, working poor or otherwise. Tinkering at the edges or succumbing to the chimera of evasive incrementalism will solve none of the fundamental problems that were starkly revealed by the pandemic.

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Social Assistance Summaries: New numbers from across Canada

Friday, May 22nd, 2020

Social Assistance Summaries is an annual publication that reports on the number of people receiving social assistance (welfare payments) in each province and territory, and how those numbers have changed over time. It draws on data provided by provincial and territorial governments. The report also briefly describes social assistance programs in each province and territory.

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Ontario to allow people on social assistance to keep part of emergency benefits

Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

More than 960,000 Ontarians rely on social assistance, but only about 75,000 report earned income, according to provincial data. Ottawa began issuing CERB payments April 6 for workers who lost their jobs or are earning less than $1,000 a month due to the pandemic and have earned at least $5,000 in the past 12 months. Payments are expected to continue for four months… The clawback is estimated to be worth about $30 million a month, according to a provincial government official.

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Ontario tells social assistance caseworkers to reinstate benefits to those who lost them after receiving emergency relief payments

Saturday, April 18th, 2020

On April 13, Carla Qualtrough, the federal minister of employment, workforce development and disability inclusion, urged all provinces not to claw back CERB benefits “to ensure vulnerable Canadians do not fall behind.” … Ontario has yet to say how it will treat the CERB. But Lockridge said Minister Todd Smith “had a productive discussion” with Qualtrough on Friday and will be providing more information “in the coming days.”

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Latest Welfare Rates and How They Compare to Poverty Measures

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

the report describes the components of welfare incomes, how they have changed from previous years, and how they compared to low income thresholds… In 2018, total welfare incomes did not keep pace with the cost of living in 33 of the 52 scenarios tracked in this report (4 household types across the 13 provinces and territories). In these cases, household receiving welfare were worse off in 2018 than they were in 2017.

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Welfare in Canada update now available

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

In 2018, total welfare incomes did not keep pace with the cost of living in 33 of the 52 scenarios tracked in this report (four household types across the 13 provinces and territories). In these cases, households receiving welfare were worse off in 2018 than they were in 2017… Even where welfare incomes were highest, they fell short of the poverty threshold.

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Job programs for 450,000 Ontarians on social assistance show mixed results

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

… the Ontario government needs to better tailor its job programs by emphasizing assignment to programs whose effects suit its goals… if the government’s strategy was to get people off social assistance, it could increase assignment to either job-search workshops or training programs, while if the aim is to reduce the probability of people returning to social assistance, they could focus on direct job placements.

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Disability payments must be boosted

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

In short, it is far from being a livable income… Half of what we earn goes back to ODSP in a punitive tax-like system that adds stress, administration and close surveillance. Our basic needs still are not covered and our jobs stay precarious if they even last. Our health deteriorates and our thoughts can become suicidal.

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Welfare in Canada, 2016

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Welfare incomes for the four illustrative households typically range between 20 and 40 percent of after-tax average incomes… When compared to after-tax median incomes, the adequacy picture comes out slightly better… Regardless of which measure is used, the figures tell a powerful story about the adequacy of welfare incomes of Canadians.

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