
Why Canada’s Climate Advocates Are Excited by Biden’s Housing Plans

Monday, December 7th, 2020

“When you think about the housing crisis in Canada, the homelessness crisis in Canada, the joblessness crisis and the climate crisis, you have a solution which is literally where we live that offers us the opportunity to address all these intersecting crises at once”… The factors are all there for a Green New Deal for housing,

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Meet the Economist Advising BC on Whether to Go Ahead with a Basic Income

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s, much of the growth in income inequality in Canada was tempered with taxes on higher-income people and generous social programs… “Somewhere around the mid-1990s, the bargain broke down,” Green said. Governments at all levels rolled back social spending and made tax cuts, allowing inequality to grow unchecked… “In a society this rich we should not have people living on the street.”

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