Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Does multiculturalism kill enthusiasm for the welfare state?

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Posted: February 12, 2010.

… it is incontrovertible that social democracy and the welfare states face serious practical challenges today. Their survival is not in question, but they are no longer as self-confident as they once appeared.

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Hot resumés can’t thaw Canada’s cold shoulder [newcomers finding work]

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Published On Fri Feb 12 2010.

…the organizations set up to help them do not seem interconnected, and they seem to compete, rather than cooperate, with each other…
“In Sweden there is a law: each company with over 60 employees has to hire at least one person with a disability. So, here, why not a law: each company of 60 employees or more has to engage a newcomer.”

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Racial profiling still has no place here

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Published On Thu Feb 11 2010.

We all want to stop black kids (and other kids) from committing violent and anti-social acts. Discriminating against them will never achieve this goal. As Roy McMurtry and Alvin Curling point out so persuasively in their report “The Roots of Youth Violence,” we need to spend money on strengthening the lives of these children and of their families. These are not problems police can resolve.

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Judge lets Caledonia class-action suit proceed

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

Last updated on Tuesday, Feb. 09, 2010.

The judge determined “the core issue is whether there was a failure of the OPP” to provide policing services to residents of the small town south of Hamilton during the occupation of the former housing subdivision called Douglas Creek Estate.

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Some reserves can’t be fixed

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010 – Opinion/Full Comment
Posted: February 09, 2010. By Joseph Quesnel

Location is key. The problem with many reserves is that they are on marginal land, isolated far from highways and commercial markets. Some are fly-in communities where goods have to be shipped in at prohibitively high cost.
That reality makes it impossible to create a viable economy.

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The elusive right to be good parents

Monday, February 8th, 2010 – Opinion
Published On Mon Feb 08 2010. Carol Goar

…many women, whose parenting skills are quite adequate, lose their children because of society’s perceptions. “They’re infantilized. Their sexuality is denied. Their decision to become parents is viewed with suspicion and alarm.”… They had never tested their rights. They didn’t want to go to court to fight society’s prejudices.
“We need people to shift their attitudes, open their minds,” said Khedr. “It’s okay to be a parent with a disability. It’s normal.”

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Greensboro, 1960. Kahnawake, 2010

Sunday, February 7th, 2010 – Opinions/Editorial
Published: Saturday, February 06, 2010

This week, the Kahnawake native reserve on Montreal’s South Shore sent out eviction notices to 25 residents — most of them whites involved in relationships with local Mohawks — telling them that their skin was the wrong colour.

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Canada turns a blind eye to First Nations segregation

Thursday, February 4th, 2010 – Opinion/Editorial
Posted: February 04, 2010. National Post editorial board

For decades, the prime directive of our country’s native-policy brain trust has been to protect aboriginal culture in little cocoons called reserves — even at the cost of undermining bedrock principles encoded in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It’s a fool’s bargain, of course…

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One woman’s crusade for affordable justice

Monday, February 1st, 2010 – Opinion
February 01, 2010. Carol Goar

Judicial leaders wrung their hands. Academics wrote papers. Politicians tinkered, but didn’t solve the problem. And Heidi Mottahedin decided justice was too important to leave to the experts.
It gnawed at her that the right to a fair trial had become meaningless for millions of Canadians because they couldn’t afford legal representation.

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Fix infant health problems in Canada, too, Stephen Harper told

Saturday, January 30th, 2010 – Health/ January 30, 2010 THE CANADIAN PRESS Two Inuit leaders say Prime Minister Stephen Harper should look to the Arctic if he wants to improve the health of newborn children. “We’re hopeful he’ll tackle this issue in his own backyard,” Pita Aatami, head of Makivik Corp., which oversees the land claim of Quebec […]

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