Healing on the land for our people and our economy

Posted on August 24, 2020 in Inclusion Policy Context

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TheStar.com – Opinion/Contributors

After almost months of coping with the COVID-19 realities, cities, towns, First Nations and Indigenous communities across Canada are adjusting to the new routines of life in the pandemic. The wave of fear that dominated the early spring has ebbed, but many First Nations remain cautious.

We know COVID-19 could have a devastating effect in remote communities, especially on the elders — our knowledge keepers. So, we are staying vigilant and doing our part to prevent a return to the dark days of March and April.

And we are considering what the future holds. How does the country heal from this global disruption? How can governments foster new economic growth?

First Nations know where to look for guidance and strength. For generations, we have recognized that healing happens on the land. Deep in the forests, out on the prairies, and up in the mountains is where we regain our strength.

Following caribou or gathering plants, we reaffirm that we are connected to each other and the natural world. We know if we take care of the land, the land will take care of us. Honouring this relationship is at the very heart of our culture. It is who we are, “Haa Ḵusteeyí” — our way of life.

On the land initiatives also support our prosperity. First Nations are leading visionary conservation projects proven to generate jobs and create long-term sustainability. As Canada begins rebuilding the economy, these models will make a vital contribution to our shared future. Together we can become more resilient in the face of uncertain times. We can create a more just world and a more just economy.

Investing in First Nations’ stewardship can help the country heal — from the pandemic, from the threat of climate change, from the loss of biodiversity and from the scars of colonialism.

It begins with supporting Indigenous leadership on the land.

Across the country, First Nations have launched about 70 Indigenous Guardians programs. Guardians are trained experts who manage lands, test water quality and restore animal and plant populations.

The Guardians of the Ross River Kaska Dena Council, for instance, track climate change impacts on caribou in the Yukon. And the Minaskuat Kanakuataku of the Innu Nation in Labrador monitor the environmental impacts of the largest nickel mine in the world.

Guardians programs offer good paying jobs. Northwest of Yellowknife, the K’asho Got’ıne Charter Community hired seven guardians to partner with federal and territorial scientists on wildlife research. Nearby, the Dehcho First Nations plan to employ 23 guardians this year. These programs make a big impact in small communities — each job supporting family members and purchases in the local economy.

Guardians programs connected to Indigenous Protected and Conservation Areas stimulate additional investments and contributions to communities.

In 2019, the Łutsël K’é Dene First Nation signed agreements to co-govern Thaidene Nëné, one of the largest terrestrial protected areas in North America. The Nation has hired Indigenous guardians to help manage the area and invested over $500,000 to buy boats and research equipment from regional businesses.

Guardians on the land provide far-reaching, significant benefits by transforming people’s lives and communities. Indigenous youth find a sense of pride and possibilities. Guardian-run wellness programs build resilience across generations.

Australia committed $1.5 billion to similar Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas. Research shows every $1 invested generates $3 in social, cultural and economic return, including reduced income support, improved health and lower justice costs.

The same benefits can be delivered here in Canada by making Indigenous-led conservation a key part of the country’s economic recovery. Sustained federal investment in Guardians can strengthen communities, bring Canada closer to its conservation and climate goals, and help close the gap between First Nations and Canadians. We can help make the next several months a time of healing, hope and connection, leading us into the next seasons of change.

Ethel Blondin-Andrew is the first Indigenous woman to serve as a federal cabinet minister and a senior leader with the Indigenous Leadership Initiative.
Kluane Adamek is the Assembly of First Nations Yukon regional chief. She holds the AFN national Pprtfolio for Climate Change and the Environment.


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