Atlas may shrug, but does he drop out? [tuition costs]
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010
August 12, 2010
… kids from poorer families aren’t just disadvantaged in financial assets, they also have smaller pools of social and cultural capital on which to draw. This means they are less likely to be able to get the grades to go to university and they are less likely to want to go on to university in the first place. Finances are thus at best a third-order cause of inequality of access… finances do matter for some students, some of the time. But that suggests that the right policy response is a program of targeted grant assistance to low-income students. It does not imply that reduced tuition for all students makes any sense at all. Indeed, the evidence that such a policy would increase participation from low-income families is slim to nonexistent.
Tags: participation, poverty
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Canada’s undervalued universities
Monday, February 8th, 2010
TheGlobeandMail.com – globecampus.ca/blogs
February 5, 2010. Alex Usher
…there is a fundamental mismatch between academics’ definition of quality and the reasons that governments invest in higher education.
And this mismatch has a lot to do with governments’ continual frustration in trying to understand what it is, exactly, that institutions do with all that public money they’re given.
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