Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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No medal for Guergis’s performance at UN [gender equality]

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Mar 05 2010
Harper has scrapped Canada’s $5 billion national child-care program, closed 12 Status of Women offices across the country and killed Ottawa’s widely admired court challenges program, which helped women (and other groups seeking to test their constitutional equality rights) finance expensive court cases… the proportion of women on the government benches has fallen to 11 per cent, from 25 per cent under Paul Martin and 23 per cent under Jean Chrétien…
Guergis and her government want a Canada in which women make it on their own, proving subsidized child care and pay equity are obsolete and feminism is a spent force.

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The nightmare gender gap

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

Mar. 04, 2010
The plight (and rights) of aboriginal women is a serious matter. The growing marriage gap between highly educated and less-educated women – and the hugely unequal life impact this has on their children – is another. Unfortunately, these issues won’t be honestly addressed so long as the old-time dogma maintains its stranglehold in academe, labour groups and public discourse.

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The Story of Human Rights

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

February 26, 2010
“Combating poverty, deprivation and exclusion is not a matter of charity, and it does not depend on how rich a country is. By tackling poverty as a matter of human rights obligation, the world will have a better chance of abolishing this scourge in our lifetime.” (Louise Arbour,)
… (from the) United for Human Rights web site you can… watch the film, sign a petition to implement human rights education in schools and universities, and order… resources on human rights.

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Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory In Shaping Modern History

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Feb 28 2010
Beneath all conspiracy theories lie certain universal characteristics: a defiance of all evidence that disproves them; an insistence that all counterargument merely “proves” the conspiracy; the provision of tidy (if sinister) narrative scenarios in the place of history’s chronic chaos; and a sense of subversive power granted to the believer.

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Canadian women’s rights in decline, report says

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Feb 23 2010
The UN is convening a special session in March to mark 15 years since the huge Beijing conference on women in 1995, which laid out plans of action for all participating nations – including Canada.
Women have lost ground due to the elimination of funding for advocacy groups, the scrapping of a national child-care program and a widening wage gap between men and women, the report notes.

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Loss of researchers especially worrying, storefront lawyers say

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Feb 18 2010.
Legal Aid Ontario’s financial picture has shifted from a surplus of $29 million three years ago, mainly because money from one of its primary funding sources, the Law Foundation of Ontario, is drying up.
The foundation administers interest from lawyers’ trust accounts. Usually, it provides about 15 per cent of legal aid’s funding (just over $50 million a year). With markets struggling and interest rates hitting lows, it has less money to distribute.

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The dangerous evolution of human rights legislation

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

February 18, 2010.
…the-equality-of-opportunity model gave way to an equality-of-treatment model. The objective here was to identify, and eliminate, structural barriers to equality; it was contended that human rights commissions must superintend not just opportunity but all subsequent consequences, to ensure that social benefits were equitably distributed.

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Taxing the über-rich would reduce the deficit and social resentment

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010.

Inequality of compensation has soared in our time, as the rich have become much richer and much less taxed. Higher taxes on high incomes would begin to narrow the immense chasm that has opened up between the über-rich and the ordinary North American.

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Danny Williams and the separatism of the rich

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Canadians overwhelmingly also reject the separatism of the rich, at least as an organizing principle for public services. And therefore we reject a model of health care that reserves its best services for people like the Newfoundland Premier, while putting the same quality of service out of the reach of most citizens.

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Police ponder how best to collect race data

Monday, February 15th, 2010

February 15, 2010.

Toronto police are considering making it mandatory for officers to note the race and ethnicity of people they stop in an effort to probe for patterns of potential bias – but there is no agreement on how best to go about it.

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