Four decades of tax cuts, deregulation and privatization equals a serious distribution of wealth problem

Posted on July 6, 2024 in Governance Debates

Source: — Authors: – Opinion/Reader’s Letters
July 5, 2024.   Paul Kahnert

Everywhere you look there is a crisis — homelessness, affordability, health care, education, building and infrastructure decay. Where is the leadership? A reader asks.

Can you blame people for leaving town? Voters have power to demand more, July 4

What happened to our once civil society? We now live in an Ontario no one recognizes. Everywhere you look there is a crisis — homelessness, affordability, health care, education, building and infrastructure decay.

How did things that were once so good get so bad.? The answer is right in front of us. Most of the public wealth was transferred to the wealthy.  We have been fed a steady diet of tax cuts, deregulation,  and the need for privatization to get the “innovation and private sector efficiencies” with promises like “all boats will be lifted by the rising economy.” As we have clearly seen, false promises. Not only has our civil society been severely damaged but so had trust in democracy.

In the last provincial election, only 17 per cent of the population voted for Premier Doug Ford.  After slashing government funding to public services  starving them into crisis just to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy and their corporations, they then present privatization as the solution to a problem they created. The only thing deregulation and privatization does is create more profit-making opportunities.

The gap between the haves and have-nots is huge and widening at an ever-increasing rate.

Small tax cuts to the general population have been used as a cover for massive tax cuts to the wealthy and their corporations.

Reversing tax cuts is not raising taxes, it is restoring revenue to rebuild our once civil society. Beware any politician promising tax cuts. We do not have a wealth creation problem. We do have a very serious distribution of wealth problem.

Where is the leadership? We have the power. Don’t leave, speak up and vote to stop this insanity.

Paul Kahnert, Markham

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