
Why the Grits and NDP will merge

Monday, May 30th, 2011

May 25, 2011
The NDP are not as comfortable with the free market system as the Liberals. They are more anti-American, have close ties to the trade union movement, and are against involvement in any foreign wars. But… there are far more similarities than differences when it comes to major issues. A distinctive and broadly appealing center-left policy platform begins to emerge. It focuses on health care, education, equality of opportunity, the environment, and accountability: all cast in a fiscally responsible frame work.

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Rather than re-invent himself, Ignatieff should be the anti-politician

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

July 16, 2010
The political pygmies who surround him seem intent on trying to make him into something he is not — a traditional politician. Ditch any potentially unpopular ideas. Withhold the inconvenient truth about a whole range of issues. Play it safe. Hope that the Harper government defeats itself. There is another strategy, one that aligns more closely with Ignatieff’s character. Let him become the anti-politician that he really is… telling the truth and treating the electorate like mature, responsible grown-ups.

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