Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Wanted: Hard workers

Monday, April 21st, 2008 – opinion – Wanted: Hard workers – Our immigration system is broken. Fixing it should be a bipartisan affair
Published: Monday, April 21, 2008
Rudyard Griffiths, National Post

As Stephane Dion weighs the pros and cons of triggering a federal election over the Conservatives’ proposed changes to the powers of the Immigration Minister, he would do well to reflect on one simple fact: 40% of skilled and professional male immigrants leave Canada permanently within 10 years.

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Changing times for rights body

Monday, April 21st, 2008 – comment/editorial – Changing times for rights body
April 21, 2008

On June 30, sweeping changes to Ontario’s gridlocked human rights system will come into effect.

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Putting a BNA stamp on the High Court

Friday, April 18th, 2008 – news – Putting a BNA stamp on the High Court
L. Ian Macdonald, Published: Friday, April 18, 2008

OTTAWA -When Marshall Rothstein appeared before the Commons justice committee in regard to his nomination to the Supreme Court in 2006, he said “the first thing we learned in law school was the division of powers.”

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Preying on vulnerable workers

Friday, April 18th, 2008 – comment – Preying on vulnerable workers
April 18, 2008
Carol Goar

She lowered her eyes in shame. “Welfare,” she said softly.

That was the last place Norma Soares wanted to be. She came from Mexico two years ago, determined to work hard. She was willing to do the dirty, menial jobs nobody else wanted. Like most immigrants, she dreamt of a better future.

But she discovered that employers in Canada can cheat workers like her – and get away with it.

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Words speak as loud as actions

Friday, April 18th, 2008 – comment/letter – Words speak as loud as actions
April 18, 2008

Re:Ban discriminatory actions, not inflammatory words – Comment, April 16

Alan Borovoy maintains that our justice system should provide remedies only for hateful actions but not hateful words. His view misses the unquestionable link between words and actions.

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The land human rights forgot

Thursday, April 17th, 2008 – opinion/editorial – The land human rights forgot
Published: Thursday, April 17, 2008

Can someone tell us why the Canadian media are burying our country’s biggest domestic story?

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Society is failing the vulnerable

Thursday, April 17th, 2008 – comment/letter – Society is failing the vulnerable
April 17, 2008

Re:Stuck behind bars, with no place to call home – Living, April 14

We applaud the Toronto Star and Leroy Humphrey, his family and other concerned citizens for clearly illustrating that placing people who have an intellectual disability in jail, as an alternative to providing appropriate support, is one more failure on the part of a society that should be better able to help people in vulnerable situations.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Natives could protest 2010 Olympics, says Chief Fontaine

Thursday, April 17th, 2008 – Natives could protest 2010 Olympics, says Chief Fontaine
Bal Brach, Canwest News Service Published: Thursday, April 17, 2008

OTTAWA — Canadian native groups might highlight the “desperate conditions” in their communities with protests during Vancouver’s 2010 Olympics similar to this year’s pro-Tibet demonstrations, First Nations leader Phil Fontaine warned Thursday.

This despite a memorandum of understanding with Vancouver’s Olympics Committee (VANOC) signed by Mr. Fontaine and the Four Host First Nations last summer.

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Ban discriminatory actions, not inflammatory words

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008 – columnists – Ban discriminatory actions, not inflammatory words: Maclean’s ruling highlights confusing message in human rights legislation
April 16, 2008
A. Alan Borovoy

It has now been decided that no action will be taken on the Ontario human rights complaint regarding Mark Steyn’s anti-Islamic article in Maclean’s magazine.

According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the relevant Ontario law – unlike its federal, B.C., and Alberta counterparts – cannot police the contents of essays and articles.

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Personal stories tell disability history

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008 – – Personal stories tell disability history
Helen Henderson
April 16, 2008

When she was 13, Sheila Essex was put on a bed that sounds straight out of Guantanamo Bay. With every breath she took, it tilted her from upright to upside-down and back.

The year was 1950. Essex, like thousands of others battling the paralysis of polio, was in an institution. The bed was designed to make her breathe by shifting her diaphragm, she says.

Posted in Equality Debates, Health Debates | No Comments »

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