Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Ontario: the Province that thinks it’s Canada

Monday, August 4th, 2008 – Opinion – Ontario: the Province that thinks it’s Canada: Amid regional grievances, McGuinty fights for a fair share of taxpayers’ dollars
August 2, 2008. MURRAY CAMPBELL

Dalton McGuinty was doing a favour for reporters afflicted with summer-brain stupor.

“Here’s the news,” the Ontario Premier said, helpfully, after a speech late last month. “Ontarians are coming together to more effectively assert themselves in the face of an unfairness caused by the financial arrangements between us and Ottawa.”

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A new vision for the country?

Friday, August 1st, 2008 – opinion/special comment – A new vision for the country? Harper’s federation of fiefdoms will drive Canadian traditionalists nuts
July 31, 2008. LAWRENCE MARTIN

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been knocked for not giving the country a sense of direction, for visionlessly plotting and plodding, politics being his only purpose.

Not true. Something has been taking shape – and it just took further form with pledges from Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon on the dispersal of federal powers.

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Two solitudes break their isolation together

Friday, August 1st, 2008 – opinion – Two solitudes break their isolation together

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Making justice more accessible

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008 – Opinion/editorial – Making justice more accessible
July 30, 2008

In an ideal world, everyone should have equal access to the justice system. But reality often falls short of that goal in Ontario.

The rich can afford to hire their own lawyers. The very poor can secure government-financed legal help – mainly for criminal, family, poverty and immigration matters – through Legal Aid Ontario. But the majority of Ontarians who fall somewhere in between are often forced to choose between financial ruin and representing themselves.

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Mexican children ahead of Canadians, Mustard says

Monday, July 28th, 2008 – – Mexican children ahead of Canadians, Mustard says: Early education expert says Canada doesn’t do enough to support families
July 28, 2008. Kristin Rushowy, Education Reporter

Children in some poorer areas of Mexico are farther ahead in kindergarten than the average Canadian kid, says new research led by renowned expert Dr. Fraser Mustard.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Education Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Next step: more accountable and transparent native governments

Monday, July 28th, 2008 – opinion – Next step: more accountable and transparent native governments
July 28, 2008. TOM FLANAGAN

With respect to aboriginal affairs, the Conservative government is now being reminded of the truism that one thing leads to another. The aboriginal industry sees the government’s re-apology for Indian residential schools as a sign of weakness, leading to a wave of demands to resuscitate the Kelowna Accord.

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When will there be real justice for First Nations people?

Monday, July 28th, 2008 – Web-exclusive comment – When will there be real justice for First Nations people?
July 27, 2008 HAYDEN KING

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Road to full citizenship leads back to Kelowna

Monday, July 28th, 2008 – Opinion – Road to full citizenship leads back to Kelowna
Apology was historic but native peoples still are denied full equality as Canadian citizens
July 28, 2008
Kathleen Mahoney

June 11, 2008, was an iconic day for Canadian citizenship. The apology offered by the Government of Canada to aboriginal peoples for the 150-year residential schools experiment in assimilation was a clear and unequivocal affirmation of their entitlement to the full civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights denied them for so long.

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Kids show way in fight for school

Monday, July 28th, 2008 – Opinion – Kids show way in fight for school
July 28, 2008. Carol Goar

It all started in a Grade 6 classroom.

Charlie Angus, MP for the vast northern Ontario riding of Timmins-James Bay, paid a visit to St. Patrick School in Cobalt this spring to tell the students about the children of Attawapiskat, who have no school.

The Cree community has been fighting for eight years to get one. It has been promised a new school by three Indian affairs ministers. But last December, the kids’ hopes were crushed when the current minister, Chuck Strahl, cancelled the planned school.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Education Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | 1 Comment »

Ontario wanes as Alberta waxes

Thursday, July 24th, 2008 – Opinion/editorial – Ontario wanes as Alberta waxes
July 24, 2008

The high price of oil has generated a perfect storm for Ontario.

It has boosted the value of Canada’s currency, which is now considered a “petrodollar” by international currency markets. That, in turn, has made our exports more expensive.

It has driven up costs for the province’s residents and businesses. That has forced cutbacks in other areas, including payrolls.

It has contributed significantly to the decline in the American economy, the primary market for our exports.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates | 1 Comment »

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