Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Harper’s goal a right-wing Canada

Thursday, September 25th, 2008 – Federal Election – Harper’s goal a right-wing Canada
September 25, 2008. Bob Hepburn

Stephen Harper is often accused of having a “hidden agenda” and yearning to form a majority government so he can implement it.

In fact, though, there is nothing “hidden” about what Harper wants, which is to change Canada fundamentally from a centre-left country into a small-c conservative, right-wing nation.

The only question is how fast he will be able to do.

If he wins a majority in the Oct. 14 election, the transformation may happen very quickly.

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Playing politics with youth crime

Thursday, September 25th, 2008 – Federal Election – Playing politics with youth crime
September 25, 2008

In his latest attempt to burnish his tough-on-crime credentials, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is proposing to erode long-standing distinctions between Canada’s youth and adult justice systems by making it easier to impose adult-length sentences on young people convicted of violent crimes.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

Fairness for Ontario

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008 – opinion – Fairness for Ontario
Published: Tuesday, September 23, 2008. Dalton McGuinty

On Oct. 14, my fellow Ontarians will elect more than one-third of Canada’s MPs. Our province will have an important say in who gets to form the government, and who gets to be prime minister. That’s an important responsibility –and a tremendous opportunity. Right now, Ontario is not being treated fairly by Ottawa.

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Ontario demands fair play on equalization

Monday, September 22nd, 2008 – national – Ontario demands fair play on equalization
September 22, 2008. MURRAY CAMPBELL

TORONTO — Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has asked the federal party leaders to guarantee that the rules for the equalization program won’t be changed to prevent his province from receiving a payout.

The erosion of Ontario’s manufacturing base has some economists predicting the province will qualify for equalization payments by 2010.

But Mr. McGuinty said today that he is worried that the federal government would never allow this to happen.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

Unfulfilled nation torn from its aboriginal roots

Sunday, September 21st, 2008 – Opinion – Unfulfilled nation torn from its aboriginal roots: Writer Saul ponders reason for Canada’s failure to achieve its full potential
September 21, 2008. Haroon Siddiqui

Flying back to Canada from abroad, have you ever noticed that the immigration officer examining your passport is wearing, and perhaps sweating in, a bulletproof vest?

Why the vests when the arriving passengers had already been thoroughly vetted before boarding their flight?

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Where’s Canada’s oversight to protect human rights?

Thursday, September 18th, 2008 – opinions/commentary – Where’s Canada’s oversight to protect human rights?
September 18, 2008. MAHER ARAR

Two years ago today, Mr. Justice Dennis O’Connor released the first of two reports of the public inquiry into the role that Canadian officials played in my abduction and torture in Syria. This first report was personally important for me, as it cleared my name and helped shed light on what went wrong in our national security system to cause my ordeal to happen.

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Fair share for everyone in Ontario

Thursday, September 18th, 2008 – Federal Election – Fair share for everyone in Ontario
September 18, 2008. Len Crispino

Imagine an Ontario with 14,000 more nurses to care for us in our hospitals and long-term care facilities. Or 250 more MRI machines to provide quicker diagnoses of critical illnesses.

Imagine an Ontario where we could build 67,000 more affordable housing spaces for families struggling to pay the rent. Or with 15,000 more diesel electric buses in cities to reduce their carbon footprints.

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Ontario’s gender pay gap cheats women workers

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 – Opinion – Ontario’s gender pay gap cheats women workers: For every dollar a male employee earns, a woman takes home a measly 71 cents
September 17, 2008. Mary Cornish, Fay Faraday

Today, Sept. 17, is 71 per cent of the way through the year. For women, it marks “Now You’re Working for Free Day.”

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Ontario’s top judge calls for family law reform

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008 – Ontario – Ontario’s top judge calls for family law reform
September 09, 2008. THE CANADIAN PRESS

There is a large appetite for the review and reform of Ontario’s family courts, Ontario Chief Justice Warren Winkler said today.

Currently, there are only 17 “unified,” or dedicated family courts scattered in various pockets of Ontario. None are located in Toronto.

“The time has arrived to implement a properly serviced unified family court system,” Winkler said a ceremony to mark the official opening of Ontario’s courts for the year.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Vote Ontario, McGuinty urges

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008 – Federal Election – Vote Ontario, McGuinty urges
September 09, 2008. Robert Benzie, Queen’s Park Bureau Chief

Striving to set the agenda for the Oct. 14 federal vote, Premier Dalton McGuinty yesterday urged Ontarians to exert their clout to demand a better deal for the province during the election campaign.

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