Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Ontario officially a ‘have not’

Monday, November 3rd, 2008 – news/national – Ontario officially a ‘have not’
Nov 03, 2008. Les Whittington, Robert Benzie, Staff Reporters

For the first time in history, Ontario is officially a have-not province.

Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced this afternoon that the province will receive $347 million in equalization payouts in 2009-10.

For the first time, Ontario is dipping into the national wealth-sharing program that has divvied up the spoils since 1957.

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Ontario fears wealth-sharing shutout

Saturday, November 1st, 2008 – Ontario – Ontario fears wealth-sharing shutout: Duncan promises ‘tidal wave of anger’ if equalization changes shortchange province
November 01, 2008. Les Whittington in Ottawa, Rob Ferguson in Toronto

OTTAWA–Finance Minister Jim Flaherty appears to be on another collision course with Ontario – this time over plans to rejig a formula for federal-provincial wealth sharing that could deprive Ontarians of hundreds of millions of dollars in support from Ottawa.

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Province’s deal a ‘wrong’ righted

Saturday, November 1st, 2008 – Ontario – Province’s deal a ‘wrong’ righted: But Ontario’s slow take-back of costs falls short
November 01, 2008. Rob Ferguson, Robert Benzie, Queen’s Park Bureau

The prayers of cash-strapped cities and towns have been answered – in part.

Ontario signed an agreement with 445 municipalities yesterday to pick up gradually the $1.5 billion annual tab for welfare and court security by 2018.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

Herouxville wins: And that’s a good thing [“reasonable accommodation” of immigrants ]

Friday, October 31st, 2008 – opinion/editorial – Herouxville wins: And that’s a good thing
Published: Friday, October 31, 2008

So it becomes official: The tiny town of Herouxville has won the great argument over “reasonable accommodation” of immigrants to Quebec.

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Ottawa to limit equalization payments

Friday, October 31st, 2008 – national – Ottawa to limit equalization payments

OTTAWA, TORONTO — Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, facing Canada’s first budget deficit in more than a decade, said he will limit the growth of equalization payments to the poorer provinces.

Speaking to reporters after the first meeting of Stephen Harper’s new cabinet yesterday, Mr. Flaherty said the equalization program, which redistributed $13.6-billion in the current fiscal year, is growing at an unsustainable pace of about 15 per cent a year.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Social Security Debates | 1 Comment »

Faulty federal math hurts reserve schools

Thursday, October 30th, 2008 – Opinion – Faulty federal math hurts reserve schools
Published: Thursday, October 30, 2008. John Ivison

OTTAWA -Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during the election campaign that the most serious problem this country will face going forward is a shortage of skilled labour. As the global financial crisis bites, and thousands are thrown out of work, he might be reassessing that statement.

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Advice for Ontario: Play hardball [Employment Insurance]

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 – Opinion – Advice for Ontario: Play hardball
October 29, 2008. Carol Goar

The move would be provocative. It would be parochial. It could spark a serious federal-provincial clash.

But maybe Premier Dalton McGuinty needs to cause a little trouble in Ottawa, says economist Hugh Mackenzie. Asking for a fair deal for Ontario hasn’t done much good.

So here is Mackenzie’s idea: McGuinty should serve notice to the Prime Minister that Ontario intends to opt out of the Employment Insurance system and set up its own program.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

Rocky road for the disabled

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008 – Opinion – Rocky road for the disabled: 10 years after landmark resolution in Legislature disabled Ontarians still face too many barriers
October 29, 2008. David Lepofsky

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Justice reform reports ignored, critics say

Monday, October 27th, 2008 – Ontario – Justice reform reports ignored, critics say: Many have sought ways to fix problems affecting the justice system. But in most cases, their reports have led to few perceptible changes
October 27, 2008. Tracey Tyler, Legal Affairs Reporter

Just last week, at virtually the same time a 15-year-old was charged with murdering Brampton teenager Rajiv Dharamdial, government printing presses were gearing up to publish a major new report on preventing youth crime.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Copy Quebec daycare, PQ leader says

Friday, October 24th, 2008 – – Copy Quebec daycare, PQ leader says
October 24, 2008. Laurie Monsebraaten, Social Justice Reporter

If Ontario wants to cut child poverty and improve student achievement, it should copy Quebec’s $7-a-day child care system, says the architect of the popular program that began in 1998.

Since then, Quebec’s child poverty rates have dropped by 50 per cent, school test scores have gone from among the lowest to the highest in Canada and the percentage of mothers in the workforce in the province is now the highest, said Parti Québécois Leader Pauline Marois.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Debates, Education Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

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