Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Tories plan First Nations overhaul [a more market-oriented approach]

Thursday, June 4th, 2009 – Opinion/Full Comment – Tories plan First Nations overhaul
Posted: June 03, 2009. John Ivison

The Conservative government is set to unveil a new approach to its relations with Canada’s First Nations that will see fresh money flowing to bands when Ottawa believes there is a good prospect of economic success, while bands with a track record of failure will be frozen out.

As part of its move toward a more market-oriented approach, the government is also keen to reform the electoral system used to elect aboriginal chiefs.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Rules make poverty worse when the disabled turn 65

Thursday, June 4th, 2009 – GTA – Rules make poverty worse when the disabled turn 65: “Poverty is so depressing,” Monianne Monianne says.
June 03, 2009.   Laurie Monsebraaten, SOCIAL JUSTICE REPORTER

Monianne Monianne thought it was a clerical error.

When the disabled photographer turned 65 and transferred from provincial disability support to federal Old Age Security, the monthly rent on her subsidized Toronto co-op more than doubled to $380 from $149 – even though her income barely changed.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

The Grits’ mess [system of unemployment benefits]

Thursday, June 4th, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – The Grits’ mess
Published: Thursday, June 04, 2009

There is no doubt that Canada’s Employment Insurance program is long overdue for a drastic overhaul. But if the system is a mess, as Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff and his caucus insist it is — to the point that they claim to be willing to force a federal election over their desired changes — it is a mess of the Liberals’ own making.

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Groups push for accessible tech devices for those with disabilities

Sunday, May 31st, 2009 – news/technology – Groups push for accessible tech devices for those with disabilities
May 31, 2009. Lisa Arrowsmith, EDMONTON — THE CANADIAN PRESS

Thirty years ago, groups for the disabled in Canada fought for accessible sidewalks, washrooms and transportation.

Today their battleground is equal access to technologies such as cellphones, hand-held devices, entertainment systems and even home appliances.

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Barriers to justice hold back disabled

Friday, May 29th, 2009 – Opinion – Barriers to justice hold back disabled
May 29, 2009.   Carol Goar

By 2025, every public courthouse in Ontario must be barrier-free.

It’s government policy, the will of the judiciary, perhaps even a sign of the times. “We’re dealing with some courthouses that are really old and decrepit, but disability issues are being taken seriously,” said Justice Anne Molloy. “I think we’ll see some improvement in the short term.”

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There is no Charter right to abuse [Hate crimes]

Friday, May 29th, 2009 – Opinions/editorial – There is no Charter right to abuse: Parents have no constitutional right to teach their children to hate or kill
May. 29, 2009.

Parents have no constitutional right to teach their children to hate or kill. A Winnipeg parental-rights case involving a 7-year-old girl who believes that killing black people is the right thing to do appears to be a case of severe emotional abuse, and nothing in the Canadian Constitution gives parents licence to abuse their children.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates | No Comments »

Making human rights an issue for all the wrong reasons

Monday, May 25th, 2009 – columnists – Making human rights an issue for all the wrong reasons: The scary thing is scrapping rights body may work for Tory leadership candidates
May 24, 2009.   Avvy Go, Director of the Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic

News flash! Human rights are a central theme in the provincial Progressive Conservative party leadership race. But wait, the two candidates who are trotting out the human rights bandwagon do so not to jump on it, but to trash it.

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Reducing Health Inequalities among Children

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009 – Canada Watch – Reducing Health Inequalities among Children
May 22, 2009

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Health Debates | No Comments »

The Effect of Increasing Aboriginal Educational Attainment on the Labour Force

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009 – Canada Watch – The Effect of Increasing Aboriginal Educational Attainment on the Labour Force
May 22, 2009

A new Centre for the Study of Living Standards report examines the potential economic gains of increased Aboriginal education. Most notably, the authors conclude that if the Aboriginal population were to attain complete economic and social parity with the non-Aboriginal population, Canadian governments would improve their balance sheets by nearly $12 billion in 2026 alone.

Read  < >.

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Reforming Ontario’s human rights system

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – Reforming Ontario’s human rights system
Published: Friday, May 22, 2009

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