Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Getting tough won’t help real refugees

Friday, July 24th, 2009 – Opinion – Getting tough won’t help real refugees: Our system exists to protect refugees, so why put higher priority on rejecting non-refugees?

What to do? People who don’t need Canada’s protection are making refugee claims. Surely it should be a simple matter to quickly exclude the undeserving from the claim process. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has recently said that he is looking to the United Kingdom for inspiration in order to do just this.

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New leadership for First Nations

Friday, July 24th, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – New leadership for First Nations
July 24, 2009

In an era of scripted conventions, the Assembly of First Nations leadership race was anything but. Shawn Atleo needed eight gruelling ballots over two days before emerging as the AFN’s new national chief.

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A new chief, a new mood

Friday, July 24th, 2009 – Opinions – A new chief, a new mood: The AFN’s Phil Fontaine preferred negotiation. But assertiveness is increasingly seen as the best way to restore nationhood

Jul. 24, 2009.  Calgary – William Johnson

You can bet on this: The Assembly of First Nations, under newly elected national chief Shawn Atleo, will be far more demanding, provocative, denunciatory, muscular and pre-emptive than it was under Phil Fontaine.

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Reinventing the AFN

Friday, July 24th, 2009 – Opinions/Editorial – Reinventing the AFN

Published: July 23, 2009

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Skilled immigrants squeezed out as temporary workers flock to Canada

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 – Politics – Skilled immigrants squeezed out as temporary workers flock to Canada: Record number of short-term workers given permits to fill shortages last year, study finds

Canada is still bringing in temporary foreign workers at a near-record pace despite the recession, but a new study argues our immigration policy’s increasing focus on filling jobs will hamper the economy over time by squeezing out qualified permanent immigrants.

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System fails immigrants and nation

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009 – Opinion – System fails immigrants and nation
July 22, 2009.   Naomi Alboim

Immigration to Canada is fundamental to the nation’s social and economic well-being. Immigration can fill jobs, promote trade and innovation, generate investment and grow our population.

But the system is in trouble.

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The criminals among us

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 – SpecialSections – The criminals among us: Not as many lawbreakers as Canadians believe are members of visible minorities, survey shows
July 21, 2008.   Jim Rankin, Betsy Powell, Staff Reporters

On any given day in Canada, on any busy city bus, on any main street, take a look around. There are criminals among us – about 10 per cent of adults. Picture the 50 people on the bus, and ask yourself, which five are criminals?

Many Canadians identify the wrong people.

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Time to engage our First Nations

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – Time to engage our First Nations
July 20, 2009

Ask Canadians what most embarrasses them and many would likely say the condition of our First Nations communities.

Yet the subject rarely gets national attention until there’s a crisis, such as the unsafe drinking water that forced the evacuation of Kashechewan in 2005 or the more recent epidemic of H1N1 flu that swept across reserves in Manitoba.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Multicultural Canada in the 21st Century

Monday, July 20th, 2009 – Cultural Diversity – Multicultural Canada in the 21st Century: Harnessing Opportunities and Managing Pressures
July 2009

Government of Canada / Policy Research Initiative / Cultural Diversity  < >.

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Changes in the Ottawa-First Nations relationship must go both ways

Monday, July 20th, 2009 – Full Comment – Changes in the Ottawa-First Nations relationship must go both ways
Posted: July 20, 2009.   John Ivison

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