Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Province fiddles, legal aid burns

Saturday, August 8th, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – Province fiddles, legal aid burns
August 07, 2009.

The poor, criminals and lawyers tend not to be popular. Perhaps that explains why the province seems to be doing so little to end a legal aid boycott that threatens to undermine our justice system.

Posted in Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

New CCPA video about Canadas growing gap [August ’09]

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009 – nationalnewswire – New CCPA video about Canadas growing gap
August 5, 2009

Dear Friends and Members,

Over the past two years the CCPA has released numerous reports about the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us. Now we are pleased to launch a video that draws on these reports to tell the story of Canada’s income gap.

< >.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates, Social Security History | No Comments »

Judge blasts ‘tragic’ neglect of legal aid

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009 – Ontario – Judge blasts ‘tragic’ neglect of legal aid: Low pay scale driving criminal lawyers away, with dire consequences for entire justice system
August 04, 2009.   Tracey Tyler, LEGAL AFFAIRS REPORTER

A former Superior Court judge known for his law-and-order proclivities has blasted the Ontario government for its continuing “neglect” of the province’s legal aid plan, warning that continuing down the same path will do irreversible damage to the justice system.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Mixed signals on EI

Monday, August 3rd, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – Mixed signals on EI
August 03, 2009

No relief is in sight for Canada’s 1.6 million jobless. Despite signs of a fragile recovery, economists predict more workers will lose their jobs in the months ahead.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper recognizes the “great tragedy” faced by laid-off workers who aren’t eligible for employment insurance (EI) benefits. He promised last week to address their plight when Parliament resumes in September.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

On friendship between libertarians and liberals

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009 – Opinions/Full Comment – On friendship between libertarians and liberals
Posted: August 02, 2009.   Gerry Nicholls

A few days ago I posted my views on the Cato Institute’s Will Wilkinson’s idea that libertarians should seek some sort of fusion with liberals.

In the process I made a few cracks about the Liberal Party, comments which Ron McKinnon a former Liberal candidate and current president of the Port Moody – Westwood – Port Coquitlam Federal Liberal Association took exception to.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

Ontario Human Rights Commission puts its bias on display

Friday, July 31st, 2009 – Opinions/FullComment – Ontario Human Rights Commission puts its bias on display
Posted: July 31, 2009.   Lorne Gunter

As if more proof were needed of how out-of-control Canada’s human-rights commissions have become, and what a threat they pose to impartial justice, along comes the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal’s ruling last month against Michael Shaw, a white Toronto police officer.

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Atleo sets an example for Indian education reform

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 – Opinions – Atleo sets an example for Indian education reform: The challenge is how to lift on-reserve learning and outcomes

Jul. 28, 2009.   Jeffrey Simpson

Shawn Atleo, the new head of the Assembly of First Nations, made improvement in Indian education one of his campaign priorities.

Posted in Education Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

The struggle to fix employment insurance

Sunday, July 26th, 2009 – Financial Post – The struggle to fix employment insurance: Getting Real

Published: July 26, 2009.   Paul Vieira in Ottawa,  Financial Post

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Time for CEOs to pay the piper

Sunday, July 26th, 2009 – Business – Time for CEOs to pay the piper: Public outrage over ‘obscene’ corporate compensation deals spurring calls for reform
July 26, 2009.   David Olive

It wasn’t the U.S. government’s $173 billion (U.S.) bailout of American International Group Inc. (AIG), whose insurance coverage of losses on global banks’ holdings of soured U.S. subprime mortgages made it “too big to fail,” that was cause for public outrage.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates | No Comments »

Canada’s recession a he-cession, says new CCPA report

Sunday, July 26th, 2009  – Press Release – Canada’s recession a he-cession, says new CCPA report

July 25, 2009

OTTAWA—Prime working age men are bearing the brunt of Canada’s recession, says a new report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).

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