Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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A modest (pro bono) proposal [legal aid reform]

Monday, August 31st, 2009 – Opinion – A modest (pro bono) proposal

Ontario Legal Aid, the primary mechanism by which thousands of the poorest Ontarians access the justice system, is at a crossroads as literally hundreds of criminal defence lawyers have, en masse, begun refusing to accept new legal aid cases for several serious offences.

They argue that the current legal aid tariff is antiquated and must be updated.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Building a bridge to northern children

Monday, August 31st, 2009 – Opinion – Building a bridge to northern children
August 31, 2009.   Carol Goar, Sandy lake first nation

It began with a box of sweaters. Micheal Hardy, executive director of the North-South Partnership for Children, remembers the moment clearly.

He was working in his office in Sioux Lookout. At the time, he headed Tikinagan Child and Family Services, the aboriginal equivalent of the Children’s Aid Society. The phone rang. It was Maurice Brubacher, director of family and children’s services for Guelph. “Do you want a box of sweaters?”

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | 1 Comment »

Welcome to Sandy Lake [First Nation Challenges]

Friday, August 28th, 2009 – Opinion – Welcome to Sandy Lake
August 28, 2009.   Carol Goar

SANDY LAKE FIRST NATION—Bread: $5.49 for a loaf of fairly fresh white.  Apples: $8.72 for a package of six.  Oranges: $7.52 for a package of four.  Milk: $3.39 for a litre of 2 per cent.  Kraft cheese slices: $9.29 for a package of 16.  Baby formula: $5.59 for a 385-millilitre can.  Apple juice: $8.95 for a 2-litre can.  Potato chips, pop and candy: a few cents higher than in southern Ontario.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Memo to my fellow citizens: How to address this ‘coconut’ [ethnocultural identity]

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 – Opinion/Comment – Memo to my fellow citizens: How to address this ‘coconut’
August 21, 2009.   Nisha Banerjee

I grew up having milk and Cheerios for breakfast like most other kids in my class. I watched Sesame Street on TV, celebrated Christmas, and received $2 from the tooth fairy every time a molar fell out.

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Inequality does not doom schools

Thursday, August 20th, 2009 – Opinions/Editorial – Inequality does not doom schools

Aug. 20, 2009.

When poor schools exceed expectations, when schools in affluent areas do not rise above mediocrity, the public has a right to know – and to learn why. Modern, provincewide testing of the reading, writing and math skills of elementary school students is about 15 years old in Canada, but the public knows little about how schools with similar socio-economic environments rank against one another.

Posted in Education Debates, Equality Debates | No Comments »

Rights commission targets `blatant discrimination’ in rental-housing market

Thursday, August 20th, 2009 – Ontario – Rights commission targets `blatant discrimination’ in rental-housing market
August 20, 2009.   Raveena Aulakh, STAFF REPORTER

If you are a student, senior, disabled person or a single parent and looking to rent, good luck.

There’s obvious discrimination in rental housing, says the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s annual report released yesterday, identifying the problem as a key area that needs immediate intervention.

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Is citizenship now defined by the colour of your skin?

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 – GTA – Is citizenship now defined by the colour of your skin? Suaad Hagi Mohamud gave all kinds of ID, but was declared an “imposter.”
August 12, 2009.   Christopher Hume

The DNA tests Suaad Hagi Mohamud was forced to undergo last week proved not only that she is who she says she is, but also that she is Canadian.

The point seems lost on the current federal government, which has been content to let her twist in the Kenyan wind for three months while it did everything possible not to sort out the details of a case of mistaken identity.

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The two faces of Toronto’s recession

Monday, August 10th, 2009 – Opinion – The two faces of Toronto’s recession
August 10, 2009.   Carol Goar

Go to any popular restaurant on a Friday night, count the number of Audis and BMWs in a downtown parking lot or try to book tickets for the Toronto International Film Festival and you’ll wonder if the city ever really went through a recession.

But visit one of Toronto’s 160 food banks or 27 unemployed workers’ centres and you’ll see how badly the downturn has hurt – and continues to hurt – thousands of families.

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

EI reform stalls, joblessness rises

Saturday, August 8th, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – EI reform stalls, joblessness rises
August 08, 2009

The rolls of the unemployed in Canada continue to grow – by another 45,000 last month, according to a Statistics Canada report yesterday. Many or most of them won’t be eligible for employment insurance (EI), due to the program’s Byzantine eligibility requirements. There are 58 regional variations, with the minimum hours of work required to be eligible for EI ranging from 420 to 910.

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Getting our immigration system back in balance

Saturday, August 8th, 2009 – Opinion – Getting our immigration system back in balance
August 07, 2009.   Carol Goar

Two years from now, Canada will reach a historic turning point. There won’t be enough new workers joining the labour force to replace those who are retiring. Employers will have to hire immigrants to succeed.

Posted in Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

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