Archive for the ‘Equality’ Category

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Harper looks beyond the fringe [Court Challenges Program]

Friday, September 11th, 2009 – Opinion – Harper looks beyond the fringe
September 11, 2009.   Antonia Zerbisias

I’m thinking of making T-shirts: “Proud to be a member of that `left-wing fringe group’ called `Women.'”

They’d be pink, of course, for socialism – and also for the pink triangle, the badge the Nazis made gays and lesbians wear before shipping them off to the camps.

Thanks to Prime Minster Stephen Harper, those T-shirts will make me rich!

Posted in Equality Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Stop-gap on legal aid

Thursday, September 10th, 2009 – Opinion/Editorial – Stop-gap on legal aid
September 10, 2009

Attorney General Chris Bentley set out to “renew legal aid” and place it on “a strong, sustainable foundation for the future.” But the changes and the boost to annual funding that he announced earlier this week, while welcome, are unlikely to achieve his aim.

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Lagging on indigenous rights

Thursday, September 10th, 2009 – Opinion – Lagging on indigenous rights
September 10, 2009.   Warren Allmand, Former minister of Indian and Northern Affairs

Indigenous peoples around the world, who now number 370 million, have been routinely marginalized, impoverished and victimized. At the United Nations, efforts have been made to affirm and protect the rights that are indispensable to their survival and well-being.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Quebec shows the way on poverty

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 – Opinion – Quebec shows the way on poverty
September 09, 2009.   Carol Goar

The news is good – so good many Quebecers don’t believe it.

Over the past decade, the province’s poverty rate has fallen by 40 per cent. Fewer households are collecting social assistance. More Quebecers are working. Lone-parent families headed by women have seen a 30 per cent increase in their incomes.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

Tax havens: out of sight, out of mind

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 – Opinion – Tax havens: out of sight, out of mind
September 08, 2009.   Linda McQuaig

At the root of the public fascination with the fate of Michael Bryant is a question that lies at the heart of democracy: Do the rich and powerful get special treatment?

Preventing the public from answering “yes” to that question will be a challenge for authorities, with the spotlight glaring down on every aspect of the prosecution of the former provincial attorney general for his deadly encounter with a cyclist.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates | No Comments »

Making the case against universality [child care]

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 – Opinions/Editorial – Making the case against universality: A new report from the OECD undercuts calls for full-day kindergarten and universal child care
Sep. 08, 2009

On the list of timeless political homilies, none is more popular than the one demanding that we spend more on our country’s children. But which children? When? And how much?

Last week an Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report, titled “Doing Better for Children,” attempted to answer these tough questions.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Education Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Inclusion Debates | No Comments »

Marx and his ideas rise from the dustbin of history

Monday, September 7th, 2009 – Opinions – Marx and his ideas rise from the dustbin of history: Profound understanding of capitalist dynamics has come to the fore during the current crisis

Workers of the world unite! A new message for Labour Day 2009?

Posted in Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates | No Comments »

There’s strength amid squalor in the far north

Sunday, September 6th, 2009 – Opinion – There’s strength amid squalor in the far north
September 04, 2009.   Carol Goar

Some Canadians come back from a visit to a remote aboriginal community convinced they know what’s best for the First Nations of the far north. I am not one of them.

Some come back overwhelmed to the point of despair by the deprivation they’ve seen. I don’t fall into that group either.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates | No Comments »

Too many young lives cut short [First Nations]

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 – Opinion – Too many young lives cut short
September 02, 2009.   Carol Goar, SANDY LAKE FIRST NATION

For most of his career, Bert Lauwers was an emergency room doctor in one of Ontario’s busiest hospitals. He was the kind of physician anyone would want to encounter at a time of trauma: calm, efficient and conscientious.

Posted in Child & Family Debates, Equality Debates, Governance Debates | No Comments »

Recession sidelines polices to address women’s poverty

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 – Press Release – Recession sidelines polices to address women’s poverty: Canada still has shockingly high rates of women’s poverty but the recession seems to have sidelined anti-poverty policies, says a new study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA).
September 1, 2009.   OTTAWA

Women’s Poverty and the Recession reveals even after taking into account government transfers and tax credits, almost one-quarter(24%) of Canadian women raising children on their own and 14% of single older women are poor, compared to 9 % of children.

Posted in Equality Debates, Governance Debates, Social Security Debates | No Comments »

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