
Ontario’s regional universities are in jeopardy — and so are the future of our communities

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Increasingly… regional universities are alone in shouldering the costs of educating our future citizens and supporting our communities due to funding freezes from the province… Operating grants from the provincial government have been frozen since 2006 and the province has not funded for net new students since 2016… Then in 2019, the province cut domestic tuition fees by 10 per cent and has frozen them since… These cuts are not sustainable.

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Investing in university infrastructure is an investment in the future

Thursday, August 31st, 2023

… with flat tuition revenue in Ontario, universities have dwindling funds to launch large capital projects, even in partnership with private corporations or donors, as these partnerships often require the institution to come to the table with matching funds… An investment in the infrastructure of our universities is an investment in our communities and the future prosperity and well-being of all Canadians. We cannot afford to defer this any longer.

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