Ontario’s home care system should be overhauled now

Posted on March 13, 2015 in Health Delivery System

TheStar.com – Opinion/Editorials – Two new reports underline the need for Ontario to overhaul and better fund its home care system.
Mar 12 2015.   Editorial

< http://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorials/2015/03/12/ontarios-home-care-system-should-be-overhauled-now-editorial.html >

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One Response to “Ontario’s home care system should be overhauled now”

  1. Marilyn says:

    Lets hope someone takes these recommendations and does something with them. I have worked in the health care system for many years I am appalled at how the system currently works. When the system changed and allowed private agencies to be involved vs not for profit the greed of a Wall street mentality came into being. We have too many high paid seniors leaders who in my opinion do nothing but find ways to not give service to vulnerable elderly, sick and dying people. It would seem that we the public that actually pay the bills have no power to change this system. I believe the money is there we need to get rid of the greedy and return to a not for profit system.


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